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How to Discuss Your Approved Medical Cannabis Use with Your Primary Care Doctor

A transparent discussion with your Doctor on the use of medical cannabis

How to Discuss Your Approved Medical Cannabis Use with Your Primary Care Doctor

Medical cannabis can be an effective treatment for many conditions, but navigating the conversation with your primary care doctor after approval can still feel daunting. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to discuss your approved use of medical cannabis with your primary care physician, ensuring you maintain an open, informed, and collaborative relationship.

Prepare for the Discussion

  1. Understand Your Treatment Plan: Before your appointment, familiarize yourself with the specifics of your medical cannabis treatment. Know the strain, dosage, and administration method approved for your use.

  2. Gather Supporting Documents: Bring any documentation from the approving physician or clinic, including your medical cannabis card and any notes or recommendations specified during your approval process.

  3. List Your Medications and Supplements: Have a current list of all medications and supplements you are taking. This will help your doctor assess potential drug interactions with medical cannabis.

  4. Monitor Your Symptoms: Keep a journal of your symptoms, noting any changes since starting medical cannabis. This data will provide valuable insights into its effectiveness and side effects.

During the Appointment

  1. Be Transparent: Clearly explain to your doctor that you have been approved for medical cannabis use. Share the reasons behind its use and the conditions it aims to treat.

  2. Provide Detailed Information: Discuss the specifics of your medical cannabis prescription. Let your doctor know how often and in what form you're taking it, and explain the intended benefits.

  3. Seek Advice on Drug Interactions: Ask about potential interactions with your current medications. This is crucial for avoiding adverse effects and ensuring the efficacy of all your treatments.

  4. Discuss Monitoring and Side Effects: Talk about how you and your doctor can monitor the treatment’s effectiveness and manage any side effects. Establishing a plan will help you use medical cannabis safely.

  5. Express Your Goals: Communicate your health goals and how you see medical cannabis fitting into your overall treatment strategy. This helps your doctor provide targeted advice and support.

Possible Outcomes

  1. Collaborative Management: Ideally, your doctor will work with you to integrate medical cannabis into your overall health plan, monitoring progress and adjusting treatment as needed.

  2. Referral to Specialists: If your primary care doctor is not comfortable managing your cannabis treatment, ask for a referral to a specialist who can.

  3. Educational Opportunities: If your doctor is unfamiliar with medical cannabis, your initiative might encourage them to learn more about its uses and benefits, potentially helping other patients.

If You Face Resistance

  1. Understand Concerns: Listen to any concerns your doctor may have about medical cannabis use. This understanding can guide further discussions or lead to compromises, such as adjusting dosages or trying different formulations.

  2. Advocate for Your Health: If you believe strongly in the benefits of medical cannabis for your condition, express this firmly but respectfully. Offer to bring in more research or to have your cannabis-prescribing physician consult with your primary care doctor.


Having an open dialogue about your medical cannabis use with your primary care doctor is essential for receiving comprehensive care. Preparation, transparency, and respect for professional opinions are key to fostering a productive relationship with your healthcare provider. By actively engaging in discussions about your medical cannabis treatment, you ensure that all aspects of your health are managed with informed, coordinated care.

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